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What Really Causes Influenza? Part 2

What Really Causes Influenza? Part 1

Written by Daniel Roytas (MHSc Human Nutrition), BHSc (Naturopathy), Dip. RM

In part 1 of this blog, an overview of some of the most important experiments conducted to try and prove that influenza was caused by a contagious virus were discussed in detail. Despite the most desperate attempts by scientists and doctors to make healthy people sick, every single attempt failed. Part 2 of this blog post aims to answer two questions. Firstly, what is the original proof showing that a virus causes influenza? Secondly, if not a virus, then what other plausible explanations are there?

It’s important to note that whilst a number of potential alternative causes of influenza will be discussed in this blog, these are only hypotheses and not claims.

The Discovery of Influenza

How did we get to the point where we “believe” that a virus causes influenza (or any infectious disease for matter)? An assumption was made, that a sick person was able to...

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