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The Humanley Podcast Episode 43


Episode 43: Joel Salatin - The World's Most Famous Farmer

Joel Salatin calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer. Others who like him call him the most famous farmer in the world, the high priest of the pasture, and the most eclectic thinker from Virginia since Thomas Jefferson. Those who don’t like him call him a bio-terrorist, Typhoid Mary, charlatan, and starvation advocate. He co-owns, with his family, Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia. Featured in the New York Times bestseller Omnivore’s Dilemma and award-winning documentary Food Inc., the farm services more than 5,000 families, 50 restaurants, 10 retail outlets, and a farmers’ market with salad bar beef, pigaerator pork, pastured poultry, and forestry products. When he’s not on the road speaking, he’s at home on the farm, keeping the callouses on his hands and dirt under his fingernails, mentoring young people, inspiring visitors, and promoting local, regenerative food and farming systems.

In this episode Joel joins me to discuss the truth about raw milk, how he keeps thousands of animals on his farm healthy without antibiotics and vaccines, what makes animals sick and what makes them healthy, the foundations of regenerative agriculture and permaculture, the consequences of pesticides and herbicides, and what consumers should look out for when purchasing their own produce from farmers markets. 

Visit Joels' website Polyface Farms here;

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